Friday, June 03, 2005

Two Fruitbats!

Originally uploaded by Ravenmn.
This is a special Friday Cat Blog. Here is a picture of my own Fruitbat, a cat born with huge ears who finally grew into them as you can see here. I did my first Friday Cat Blog on Fruitbat, with whom I shared 21 years on this planet.

In an example of internet serendipity, I have learned about another Fruitbat. Another cat owner decided to Google the words "Fruitbat" and "Cat" and ended up at this humble blog. Recently, I received an e-mail with this lovely picture of a Fruitbat who has the ears to live up to her name.

Originally uploaded by Ravenmn.

It's good to know that the Fruitbat the Cat name continues on! Please say hi to another, very special Fruitbat the Cat!