Thursday, May 26, 2005

Ravenhub met with Sami today. It's good to know he is safe and sound. He says the only people who support the occupation are the puppets who are getting paid by the U.S. government. Otherwise, the people are doing what they can. He told Ravenhub, "The Iraqis have a saying: 'When the horses are gone, you saddle up the dogs.' "

So an occupation government is a dog, not a horse. And still, you make do with what you have.

The thing that drives me crazy is that almost any ordinary American could and would do more to help the Iraqi people and one week than the bureacrats have done in months. Send some real construction workers over there and see what amazing accomplishments you'll find. Send American doctors and nurses over there and watch miracles occur. Send your neighborhood teacher, social worker or frelling babysitter, and see what can be accomplished. Instead, the Iraqi people are dealing with the sheisters and carpet baggers who couldn't make a living here, so they went to Iraq to make a "killing" on the Iraqi reparations shenanigans.