Thursday, February 17, 2005

mediagirl award

mediagirl award
Originally uploaded by Ravenmn.
It's my very first blog award. Ah, shucks! Of course, everyone who entered this "contest" was given an award! This is exactly the kind of "competition" I hold dear. Everyone wins!

When I was in junior high, I went to a track meet with my family. My older brothers were competing and Mom and I were there to watch. It was sponsored by the Jaycees or some such organization. There were very few girls in attendance and it was decided that there had to be three or more contestants in each race or event or the organizers would not hold the event. My Mom and another couple of parents convinced me to sign up for any event that had only two people participating. I came completely unprepared to race -- I had cheap sandals and even a skirt, I think. I proceeded to compete in several events and earned a third place ribbon in every event in which I competed! LOLOLOL!

I signed up for Flickr tonight and this is my very first post. Hope it works! Cross your fingers!

Please check out all the Valentine's Day winning posts at:

mediagirl award winners