Friday, March 18, 2005

The Old Man

Originally uploaded by Ravenmn.
Friday cat blog today is in honor of Squeak the Cat! This guy left us several years ago when he was 13 years old.

He was huge, but tender of spirit. An amazing hunter, yet a timid fellow. He loved everyone and allowed Fruitbat (see previous Friday Cat Blog) to rule the roost.

Here he is ruling over the kitchen. In the background is the bottom of a Take Back the Night poster I designed over 10 years ago plus an ultra-left poster I created based on an anarchist flyer that appeared in a zine covering the Poll Tax riots in England.

Since Fruitbat laid claim to me and disdained all other human contact, Squeak made Ravenhub his favorite human. Or maybe it was the shared Y chromosone in a house full of females.