Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Just for fun:

The Moggy Horde's Silly Sleeping Post Olympics is a gallery of cats in strange sleeping positions. The sainted and very-much missed Fruitbat was a master at the "Breathing through my ears nose-dive" sleeping position! Thanks to presurfer for the link.


The Heretik said...

"No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution - Revolution is but thought carried into action" Emma GoldmanRaven, I sent a comment like this along to someone else, but it applies to you as well, Minny Bird. Sweet. Heart. I sense great generosity in you. A gift that can be shared, that only grows in its return.

In some strange, wonderful way, you are in me today.

. . . . when a man looooooves a woman . . . he can do no wrong. . .